
Creativity in Action -- Another view


We have so much to say about Innovation.
Why not take a look at this wonderful example from outside the business world.
An example that should speak even to the non-sports fans among us.

The video clip that you are about to see, is attached (with many thanks) from YouTube.
It is the 1994 performance by Torvil and Dean of the Paso Doble -- on ice.
Before Torvil and Dean brought a new dimesion to ice dancing with their performance of Ravel's Bolero in 1984, pair ice skating seemed to be about technique more than anything else. It rarely made an impression on the uninitiated and was just another facet of the sport. This changed with Torvil and Dean's magical rendition of Bolero in 1984, but was never more apparent than in their performance of the Pase Doble in 1994.


The Paso Doble is a very energetic, passionate dance. It is apparently quite difficult -- as many dance competition pairs can confirm. On the dance floor, the object of the dance is to display the interaction of the matador and his cape during a bull fight (if you have a better description, please enlighten us). It is passionate, strong and technically very demanding. The interpretation of the spirit of the dance makes the difference between winners and loosers.

Now just think about this --
It is important for the dance partners to dance together in such a manner that this interaction is presented artistically correct with a fluidity between their movements to lend credence to the interpretation. It is difficult enough to achieve on the dance floor, but in 1994 Torvil and Dean made history as ice skating champions when they managed to turn the essence of the Paso Doble into a magical performance on ice.
They used their technical skill to turn their creative initiative into action that left viewers speachless.
They created new levels of achievement in ice dancing.
They were totally committed and engrossed in their performance -- not once wavering in their expression and interpretation of the creative vision.
They took something from the world of ball room (Latin American) dancing and made it a success on ice -- a totally different sport.
They turned the creativity of the dance into action -- a magical, technically challenging performance on ice.
They matched their costumes perfectly to the theme, aiding the visual interpretation of their performance -- making it understandable to everyone.
They worked together as a team, in absolute unison, with a shared aim.
They shared their goal to eradicate the opposition through excellence.
They gave a performance on the ice that would make other performances irrelevant...
They changed the manner in which ice dancing was viewed and judged -- they created a new dimension in the sport....

Creativity in Action.
This is what innovation is all about -- especially in the business world.
Taking from different spheres new insight and turning it into unforgettable products that speak to the heart of consumers. It does not matter where the inspiration / ideas come from -- it is about turning ideas into viable concepts, unique prototypes and successful products. It is about multi-disciplinary team work -- different insights -- a unified goal -- the determination to make something unique. It is about using the right tools for the job. It is about the difference between strategy and operational effectiveness.
It is all about creativity and opportunity in action.

The implications for the business world?
Why not watch this video and make your list of the lessons learnt that can be applied in business.....
Remember it is all about doing things that no one thought of before, pushing the envelope, thinking outside the box -- and doing it in such a manner that it becomes unforgettable -- a difficult act to follow......


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